Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"When we join hands, miracles happen" : Rotary celebrates Polio Free India

Rotary International invited top Indian agencies to pitch for Rotary’s first nationwide media campaign. JWT Kolkata won the pitch and created the social communication campaign. 

I saw this campaign on ETNow TV today morning and was thrilled by the message it conveyed "When we join hands, miracles happen". Below mentioned is the update about this campaign that seems to have been aired since the past few days.

JWT India has partnered Rotary on its first ever India campaign, ‘Making Miracles Happen’, celebrating the eradication of polio in the South-east Asia region. A journey that has spanned over three decades has finally reached its destination as the World Health Organisation (WHO) certified South-east Asia region polio free on March 27, 2014. Due in part to Rotary’s relentless efforts, India has not had a single outbreak of polio over the last three years.

To celebrate the historical milestone of a polio-free India and to showcase its other India initiatives, Rotary International invited top Indian agencies to pitch for Rotary’s first nationwide media campaign. By virtue of its vast experience of creating social communication programmes for organisations such as UNICEF as well as various state governments, JWT Kolkata won this highly contested multi-agency pitch.

“It is a great opportunity for JWT to design Rotary International’s pilot programme for India to showcase their unrelenting efforts over the years that has created history and helped eradicate polio from India. Our 360 degree campaign across TV, Print and Digital showcases the multiple initiatives of Rotary in India and encourages more people to join hands with them to make a difference. It is a rewarding experience to partner an organisation like Rotary that is striving to make the world a better place for everyone,” said Raji Ramaswamy, Senior Vice-president, JWT Kolkata.

The campaign, aptly named ‘When we join hands miracles happen’, is a creative expression that focuses on making the impossible possible thanks to people joining hands with Rotary to carry through its key initiatives in India such as eradication of polio, free heart surgery and an e-learning programme that aims to ensure 100 per cent literacy by 2017 amongst others.

“Logic says you can’t change fate as it’s sealed in the fate lines on your palm even before you are born. But the magic of two hands coming together can change fate and make miracles happen. This was how JWT came up with the idea of bringing these fate lines to life as a new lease of life lines to change the fate of newborns,” said Senthil Kumar, JWT’s National Creative Director.

“Team Eeksaurus spent over three months to create a masterpiece film with some phenomenal music as well, bringing alive the pain in the boy’s story as he breaks free from his fate lines and holds on to a new life line. The rich baritone voice over by Amitabh Bachchan, UNICEF and Rotary’s brand ambassador for polio, expanded the appeal of the campaign,” Senthil added.

The task was to design a communication programme that would enhance brand linkage of Rotary with its initiatives in India and create a strong affinity towards the organisation and its efforts. The campaign will also provide Rotarians of over 3,000 Rotary Clubs in India a supportive communication environment and an opportunity to showcase the good work they are doing every day.

The campaign is driven by TV and print along with digital. The two TVCs have been created by JWT Kolkata in association with Studio Eeksaurus, a Mumbai-based, much awarded animation studio., a microsite created by JWT for this campaign, gets traffic through the 

  • Facebook page and its 
  • Twitter handle @rotarymiracles