Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Member's Orientation Meeting on 16th July 2011

The New Member Orientation Program was hosted by Rtn.PP.SV.Arunachalam and R'Ann Lakshmi Arunachalam at their Home on 16th july 2011 by 6.oopm.

President Rtn.K.R.Rajagovindasamy gave the welcome address. Our Club Trainer Rtn NAN Started the session with his inspiring speech. It was followed by Rtn.Past President S.V.Arun.

Being an informal atmosphere, in the lush green lawn of Arun's home, many of the new members participated actively, clarifying their thoughts. The discussion focussed on opportunities for immediate involvement in club activities and projects upon becoming a member.


*History and organization of Rotary International & Our club history
*Benefits of Rotary club membership
*Responsibilities of membership
*Attendence requirements and options for meeting make-ups
* Club projects (past and present)
*RI programs and opportunities for involvement Club and district structure and current officers
*The Rotary Foundation

All the new members enjoyed it.

Finally Membership Director Rtn.P.Ramsamy vote of thanks.

The Members who took part in the orientation meeting are:
Rtn.& R'Ann S.V.Arunachalam,
Rtn. & R'Ann B.Srinivasan,
Rtn.& R'Ann R.Suresh.

The meeting ended at 7.30pm.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Raja G ji and Fellow Rtns of Madurai West,
    The Orientation Session on 16th at the residence of Rtn & Ann Arunachalam, must have been successful, especially when members were initiated into Rotary info through my mentor NAN. And Raja, you have done the right thing in the very beginning and I'm sure that Raja would make a mark as President and Mdu West will have more laurels.
    My best wishes
