Tuesday, August 21, 2012

installation of interact club at vikaasa

President, secretary, New Generation Director, Premnath, rms and Balakannan grace the function.
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Rotract installtion at Annai Fathima College

Jobin sworn as a president for the year 2012-13
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Independence Day Celebration on 15-Aug-2012

Our club celeberated Independence day on 15th August 2012 along with students and teachers of YMCA Kamak School for Deaf and Dumb. Rotarians headed by Rtn.President Athithan assembled at the School campus. School authorities were busy making preparations.

Starting with March Past by 7.45AM, President Athithan took the honour and hoisted the tricolour flag with jubliation among students, teachers and Rotarians. The agenda ( given in photo below), had lots of activies to entertain the gathering. 

Principal of the school, welcomed the gathering and expressed happiness over the continued support and encouragement they have been receiving from our Rotary Club and wished to receive the same patronage in future too. Students did lots of Drill excercises and exhibited their abilities.

Rtn.President Athithan in his Independence Day speech shared his happiness on India's 66th Independence day and motivated the children to scale new heights inspite of their challenges. He sighted few examples to explain their children about the significance of hard work and efforts which often leads to good results. He encouraged the children to study well and become succesful in life. Rtn. Meenakshi Sundaram in his speech admired the physical fitness of these children and wished some of them could become sports person and add laurels to India. Both our Rotarians speech was translated by a senior teacher of YMCA so that these children who were deaf and dumb could understand.

Followed by this was the Prize Giving ceremony. The school had conducted competitions and had kept the list of winners ready. Our club got the gift articles for these Prize Winners. Our Rotarians were actively engaged in congratulating and distributing the prizes.

Though it was getting late (8.45am) and it was time for breakfast, School Children had lined up few dances to entertain the gathering. They were cheered by their fellow schoolmates, teachers, Rotarians and parents.

Excellent Breakfast was sponsored by our club for all those present in the school. Rtn.Gunasekaran had made elaborate arrangements by carefully following up with the caterer. Everyone of us enjoyed the breakfast along with the children and the celebrations came to an end by 10.30AM.

List of Rotarians who attended the Independence day celebrations were : Rtn.Athithan, R'Ann Usha Athithan, Rtn.Meenakshi Sundaram, Rtn. NMP Gunasekaran, Rtn.Anwar Batcha, Rtn.Damodharan, Rtn.KLY.Premnath, Rtn.Shankarnarayanan, Rtn.Ramanathan, Rtn.B.Srinivasan, Rtn.Karunakar and Rtn.Ramaswamy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Our Rotary District 3000's Website

A to Z of our Rotary District is published and maintained in the following website:

All district events, projects, updates and messages are published in this website. You get access to Governor's Monthly Newsletter (GML) etc in this website . The access to this website is open to all. Rotarians can explore our district in much more efficient manner through this website.

Hats off to the team behind this website.

Rotary GML Editor : Our Rtn.Jacob T Abraham Says...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Rotary Picnic to Thekkady : Lush Green Opportunity :22nd-23rd Sept-2012

Relationship grows stronger when you travel with your friends. Rotarians get such opportunities frequently.

Rotary Club of Chinnamanur is organizing a one day "District New Generation Seminar" on 23rd September 2012 ( Sunday ) at FIVE STAR Resort, The Elephant Court, Thekkady.

It would be great opportunity if we can convert this pure seminar into a Rotary Picnic. Ideally we can leave Madurai by Saturday Morning, reach Thekkady by afternoon, laze around, go for a short trek, stay overnight in Thekkady, attend the seminar next day seminar at The Elephant Court and return back by sunday evening to Madurai.

The registration cost for only seminar which includes Morning Hi-Tea and lunch, on Sunday is Rs.600. If we wish to stay at the venue "The Elephant Court" itself, it would cost Rs.3000 per member on double occupancy from saturday 4PM to Sunday 4PM, along with food, fellowship and entertainment. If members wish to stay outside in Hotels like Ambadi or Sterling, the cost could be lower, but we need to check room availability and work out the cost.

Time is short. Opportunity is Great. Hence, every member (with family or solo :-)) can consider and participate in this Rotary Picnic. Do intimate the secretary Rtn.Veermani / Rtn.Ravi Parthasarathy / Rtn.Ramaswamy about your intentions and ideas. It would be wonderful to travel together and enjoy THOSE TWO DAYS. Hurry. Contact us immmmmmediately.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

District Membership Seminar, Karur

Travelling 300 km just to attend half a day seminar, that too on hardcore  rotary topic like Membership Development, may seem monotonus. But the hand full of rotarians who travelled in two cars, with bubbling enthusiasm returned back with contentment and sweat memories.
This seminar organized by Rotary Club of Karur Angels, which is just five years old, did a wonderful job by keeping the agenda light but filled with information.
After the Welcome address, District Governor Kumanan explained the significance of such seminars. Then, Chief Guest of the day Mrs.Kala Balasundaram of Hewlett Packard, Chennai talked about the delicate role of women in managing family and profession.
After a refreshing cup of Tea, the meeting picked momentum when Rtn.Dr.M.I.M.Nehruzii addressed the gathering on "Challenges of Being a Rotarian". His wide experience as a Rotarian for 37 years, being president of his club for two times, was clearly visible in his lucid examples as he stressed on being a succesful Rotarian. He insisted that a good leader connects with people. He did stress the role to be played by senior rotarians and past presidents : Instead of being an archeologist, quoting their best times during those days, they need to be a fortune teller
and keep the tempo going. He stressed that Ordinariness is the key component of attractiveness. He ended his speech by leaving three open questions for the participants and asked them to ponder over them:
  • As Rotarians, what is that we should stop doing?
  • As Rotarians, what is that we should continue doing? and
  • As Rotarians. what is that we should Start doing?
Ater the thought provoking of Rtn.Nehruzii, was the fiery emotional speech of Tamil Documentary Director and writer Mr.Bharathi Krishnakumar. Words would not be enough to capture the moments when the speaker delivered his expression filled speech in tamil - one needs to experience them. He did draw examples from epic's, real life stories, connected them with Rotary and kept the audience spell bound for solid 40 minutes. The meeting ended with sumptous lunch.
Starting from Madurai by 7.00am from Madurai, the Our club members comprising of Rtn.Athithan, Rtn.Rajagovindasamy, Rtn.C.Dhamodharan, Rtn.Ramamoorthy, Rtn.Nambirajan, Rtn.NMP Gunasekaran, Rtn.B.Srinivasan and Rtn.Ramaswamy, returned back to Madurai by 5.00PM - chatting all the way !


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