Sunday, August 5, 2012

District Membership Seminar, Karur

Travelling 300 km just to attend half a day seminar, that too on hardcore  rotary topic like Membership Development, may seem monotonus. But the hand full of rotarians who travelled in two cars, with bubbling enthusiasm returned back with contentment and sweat memories.
This seminar organized by Rotary Club of Karur Angels, which is just five years old, did a wonderful job by keeping the agenda light but filled with information.
After the Welcome address, District Governor Kumanan explained the significance of such seminars. Then, Chief Guest of the day Mrs.Kala Balasundaram of Hewlett Packard, Chennai talked about the delicate role of women in managing family and profession.
After a refreshing cup of Tea, the meeting picked momentum when Rtn.Dr.M.I.M.Nehruzii addressed the gathering on "Challenges of Being a Rotarian". His wide experience as a Rotarian for 37 years, being president of his club for two times, was clearly visible in his lucid examples as he stressed on being a succesful Rotarian. He insisted that a good leader connects with people. He did stress the role to be played by senior rotarians and past presidents : Instead of being an archeologist, quoting their best times during those days, they need to be a fortune teller
and keep the tempo going. He stressed that Ordinariness is the key component of attractiveness. He ended his speech by leaving three open questions for the participants and asked them to ponder over them:
  • As Rotarians, what is that we should stop doing?
  • As Rotarians, what is that we should continue doing? and
  • As Rotarians. what is that we should Start doing?
Ater the thought provoking of Rtn.Nehruzii, was the fiery emotional speech of Tamil Documentary Director and writer Mr.Bharathi Krishnakumar. Words would not be enough to capture the moments when the speaker delivered his expression filled speech in tamil - one needs to experience them. He did draw examples from epic's, real life stories, connected them with Rotary and kept the audience spell bound for solid 40 minutes. The meeting ended with sumptous lunch.
Starting from Madurai by 7.00am from Madurai, the Our club members comprising of Rtn.Athithan, Rtn.Rajagovindasamy, Rtn.C.Dhamodharan, Rtn.Ramamoorthy, Rtn.Nambirajan, Rtn.NMP Gunasekaran, Rtn.B.Srinivasan and Rtn.Ramaswamy, returned back to Madurai by 5.00PM - chatting all the way !


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1 comment:

  1. Very nice information that you have shared and thanks for sharing the information with us.
    Membership Club in Bangalore
