Sunday, October 26, 2014

Importance of Heritage:

Many a times, as days roll by we tend to forget the glorious past. But these events, just like palaces stand tall to talk about the history. 

Celebrating Golden Jubilee, our club's glorious past is known to very few people. For instance Four of the chartered members still continue to be members of our club. They have been attending to the meeting for the past 50 years - Right from the meetings @ Udipi Hotel till today @ Hotel Fortune Pandyan!

Though our Club charter may show the installation year as 1964, many members - particularly the new members would not know the history of the club. Not only the charter members, but the past presidents, secretaries, club officials - everyone has got a story to tell - which is known only to few of us.

Hence it is imperative to document these facts which make this club's glorious past. We wish all the senior rotarians share these  interesting events, lively moments, memorable occasions. You can drop a mail with a sweet naration, if possible with accompanying photos to my email: We would publish these informations on the blog so that these facts get digitally preserved for future generations.

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